Frequently Asked Questions

At CIMS, we use technology to help keep businesses safe. Cybersecurity is a hot, continuously evolving topic. Some of the most frequent questions we get are around cybersecurity, cyberattacks, and data security. Here, we’ve compiled answers to some of the most common questions we get about cybersecurity.

  • What Is Cybersecurity?

    Cybersecurity is a broad term that includes securing data and the technology systems responsible for moving, storing, and authenticating data. For businesses, cybersecurity encompasses the technology that’s in place to help keep your business safe, the people and processes that ensure your business stays safe, and the education to ensure your employees remain vigilant against potential cyberthreats.

  • What are the most concerning cyberthreats right now?

    Ransomware is one of our biggest concerns—it’s a specific type of cyberattack where hackers deploy malware, then force you to pay a ransom in order to regain access to your system—more on ransomware below.

    We’re also always concerned with monitoring and preventing lateral phishing takeover attacks. Through these types of cyberattacks, hackers gain access to an employee’s email account. Then, they set up rules to extract valuable data and information. Once hackers find a piece of information they can exploit, they use it to create a genuine-looking email to everyone in the employee’s address book.

  • What is ransomware?

    Ransomware is a specific type of cyberattack where the attacker forces you to pay a ransom fee to regain access to your system or files. Common types of ransomware attacks include scareware, lock-screen ransomware, and encryption ransomware.

  • How much does cybersecurity cost?

    As much as we’d love to throw a perfectly round number out there, it’s tough. Cybersecurity solutions really depend on your organization’s individual needs. Once we determine your specific security requirements, we can help design the perfect multilayered solution to help keep your business safe.
    CIMS is well equipped to design, implement, and support cybersecurity requirements ranging from basic firewall installations to advanced HIPAA and PCI-compliant solutions.

  • What Can CIMS Do to Help?

    Combining our IT and cybersecurity expertise, we help keep businesses safe. CIMS can offer a customized cybersecurity solution for your business and/or technology consulting services to help you uncover and understand your business’s needs.
    Contact us to learn more about how CIMS can help keep your business safe.

  • How do you build a cybersecurity solution?

    Cybersecurity isn’t a one-size-fits-all product. Businesses need to take a layered approach to cybersecurity for defense, monitoring, and remediation.
    The specific solution you need for your business will be a combination of firewalls, email security, anti-virus, patching, VPN connections, endpoint protection, multifactor authentication, user education and security awareness training (SAT), endpoint detection and response (EDR), security information and event management (SIEM), and data backup.

  • Are organizations doing enough to combat cyberthreats?

    In most cases, the simple answer is no.
    Cybersecurity requires consistent education, company-wide processes, and executive-level commitment. Generally, there needs to be more awareness surrounding how quickly hackers can initiate a cyberattack, how quickly cyberattacks evolve, and how businesses need multiple layers of cybersecurity to protect themselves—especially in modern workplace environments where employees are working remotely and sharing a ton of important data via digital communication channels.

  • What’s one of the biggest cybersecurity challenges businesses face?

    One of the biggest challenges currently facing businesses is staying educated when it comes to cybersecurity and being aware of evolving cyberthreats.
    Most often, hackers initiate cyberattacks after finding a way to steal an employee’s username and password. We use “steal” lightly—hackers typically trick users into handing their information over. Once the hacker gains access to the system, they can sit back and wait until they have a perfect, lucrative opportunity to execute an attack.

  • What types of businesses are most at risk for a cyberattack?

    You may think that big businesses with more endpoints are more vulnerable than small businesses. Or, businesses with attractive data, like financial services companies or those in the healthcare industry, would be easy targets. That’s not always the case. Bigger businesses or those that handle sensitive data typically have the technology, regulations, and processes to protect themselves from cyberattacks. small and medium-sized businesses without dedicated IT expertise, cybersecurity technology, processes, or education are easy targets for hackers.

  • How do you build a cybersecurity solution?

    Cybersecurity isn’t a one-size-fits-all product. Businesses need to take a layered approach to cybersecurity for defense, monitoring, and remediation.
    The specific solution you need for your business will be a combination of firewalls, email security, anti-virus, patching, VPN connections, endpoint protection, multifactor authentication, user education and security awareness training (SAT), endpoint detection and response (EDR), security information and event management (SIEM), and data backup.

Ask Questions

If you have any additional questions about cybersecurity and your business, let us know. We’d love to hear how we can help.